Continuing with my story in the Hispanic RPG maker Community (years have passed since I post about this xD).
I was writing about the projects that I had seen between 2007 and 2009, so continuing with part 1 of the Hispanic RPG maker Comunity, I will go on the projects that I met during those years:
Tabla de Contenidos
The Hispanic RPG maker Communities and their forums
Something that I had not tell in the previous post is that wasn’t the only board dedicated to the Hispanic RPG Maker Community.
There were many forums that are missing today, so now I’ll tell you about the most outstanding projects in between those Hispanic RPG Maker forums:
I don’t really remember the exact domain name of the board, but I do remember that its board was managed by a user called Makerhack.
I think Makerhack also contributed with the translation of RPG maker 2003 along with another user named Ahruon:
From that community I highlight a very cool and ambitious project that I still remember today:
The Creators of the Universe (RPG maker XP?)
“The universe is too big for those who see it with small eyes”
Created by the user Pickspy. I never played it, because I think it wasn’t finished, but I do remember the details of its history and its world.
The version I saw on the boards was way more up-to-date than what you see in the images I used for this post.
And that version that was not made with RPG maker (or was it?). It’s a pity that the project was never finished (and if was it, please send me the download link xd).
Aldea RPG
Community managed by the user BlueFalcon. In I met other projects (and a couple of great game creators):
Death to Tartajo (RPG maker 2003)
Created by the user MarinaNT, her project was also published in Comunidad Hispana de RPG maker:
There was a demo of this project, which consisted of a rather long introduction (about 15 or 20 minutes).
I don’t really remember if the game was an RPG or a graphic adventure, but you could tell that there was passion in its development.
Currently her creator is working on another project called Octopus Cities Blues which has an impressive graphic style, I leave the link to its website.
Olympos (RPG maker XP)
“There is always a balance…
Up in the sky dwell the immortal gods…
In the underworld lie the spirits of the fallen…
And in the middle, dwell men, whose existence
resembles that of a shooting star…
They may shine… but they are doomed to disappear into oblivion…”
Created by the user Ito, who launched into the daunting task of creating his project using 100% original resources, from the graphics to the soundtrack made entirely by him:
I don’t remember having play a demo of Olympos (or I think I did) but without a doubt the idea was interesting (not to say that it was one of the most acclaimed and hyped project in it’s time).
However, I have not found information about its completion, if anyone knows something please let us know in the comment box.
And if you want more information about what Olympos was, I’ll leave you the link to Ito’s Blog where you can still find post dedicated to the project at that time.
Spirit Huntress (RPG maker XP)
The second great project created by the user Ito, who took inspiration from both Metroid and Shinobi for its development (I think xd):
Something that surprised me about the project was its platform style, since it was made in RPG maker XP, at that time it was crazy to do something like that.
However, the project went on hiatus for months, only to come back reborn as a commercial project in another game development engine ideal for its Hack’n Slash genre:
The change was naturally impressive, surprisingly both its graphics and its soundtrack were created by Ito himself from scratch:
I followed the development of Spirit Huntress until a few years ago, I lost track of it, but I found old posts on Ito’s Blog about the RPG maker version (it’s very nostalgic to visit it).
Lalalá (?) (RPG maker XP)
The only project I remember from Planeta RPG xD. Lalalá was created by the user Hound in RPG maker XP.
More than a video game, it seemed like a MS-DOS application to make music. I don’t have screenshots of the project but I do remember that it was a black screen that made sounds when pressing keys.
Minamo Academy (RPG maker XP)
Created by soramar0, I have never played a demo of the project but I did find interesting the use it gave to renders graphics from different animes to make portraits of their characters and was the few RPGs that included an Alchemy system as part of it’s gameplay.
Meanwhile in
For those years obviously I kept poking around boards, looking for complete games more than demos and I found what I consider one of the eternal classics of the RPG maker Hispanic scene.
Dhux’s Scar (RPG maker 2000)
Created by Erilex, a complete RPG maker video game (yes, COMPLETE GAME, no demo, no beta version) and I think it’s one of the hidden gems of the Hispanic RPG maker Community.
Its devilish difficulty makes this game inaccessible to those who play RPG maker for casual.
But its story and charisma of its characters make it worth being patience with it and to keep a strong will for overcome his challenges for reach the end.
Out of Mind (RPG maker XP)
Another complete game! I really don’t like horror games (even those created with RPG maker) but Out of Mind is the exception to my rule.
Created by the user Azrael/Occultae (from The Moon Clan) at the beginning of 2008, Out of Mind is a sample of what you can do with simplicity, creativity and originality.
You can longplay the game in a half hour and its development took less than a month, but it’s influence reach many users who tried to imitate it for months after its launch.
The project impact to many creators who after playing the game tried to introduce darker themes to their RPG maker games (demos, ahem) or create “their own versions of Out of Mind” (with out reaching the same success of course xd).
And that’s all for now, these days I’ll try to update the Crimsondeath’s Diary, I have many entries under review that I was planning to post before the pandemic xd.
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See ya 😀